
Traditional Braces

Proven Orthodontic Treatment in Markham

At Eastvale Dentistry, we understand that straightening teeth can be a major concern for many patients. That's why we're proud to offer traditional braces as a comprehensive and effective solution. While clear aligners or Invisalign may suit some patients' needs, traditional braces are often the best choice for more complex treatments or if you are looking for more immediate results. It is important to know which one works better in your case and we will help you to choose the best option.

Our team at Eastvale Dentistry is highly experienced in providing top-quality orthodontic care, and we've seen many successful cases of patients whose teeth have been transformed through the use of traditional braces. If you're seeking an effective and reliable solution for your dental needs, we encourage you to consider traditional braces as a viable option.

Every smile is unique.

So is every budget.

Traditional metal braces are a more effective solution for complex orthodontic treatments and can help straighten your teeth more quickly and effectively. With braces, you’ll have a straight, beautiful smile that lasts for years to come.

Ahmad pays $170/mo for 18 months
Our quote $5560
Insurance covers $2500
Remaining balance $3060
Gulpreet pays $200/mo for 18 months
Our quote $3600
Insurance covers Does not cover
Remaining balance $3600
Sonia pays $390/mo for 12 months
Our quote $6180
Insurance covers $1500
Remaining balance $4680

These cases are examples only.

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