Children's Dentistry

Children's Dentistry

Exceptional attention for your little one!

We understand that your child's smile means the absolute world to you. That's why we take their dental care seriously. When you visit us, you can rest assured that we'll provide top-notch treatments, a gentle touch, and all the patience in the world to ensure they have a fun-filled experience while keeping their smile healthy. We even offer nitrous oxide (or laughing gas) to help alleviate any dental anxiety your little one may have. Keep scrolling to discover just how we go above and beyond to provide quality care for your precious little ones.

Dental Checkups & Cleanings

Regular dental checkups and cleanings for children are essential services that hold tremendous value. These early experiences create a foundation for good oral health practices that will benefit them throughout their lives. As a means of easing your child into our dental office, we offer a complimentary introductory tour program. During this visit, your child will have the opportunity to meet our dentist and team members, as well as explore our facility at their own pace. This adjustment appointment has proven to be highly effective in creating a positive dental experience for our young patients. Please note that scheduling future appointments is entirely at your discretion. Rest assured that we provide our youngest patients with the utmost care, and many of our young patients continue to entrust us with their dental health well into adulthood.

Sports Mouthguards

As a caring dental practitioner for your child, safeguarding their teeth from damage and injury is a critical aspect of our practice. If your child engages in physical activities or sports, it is imperative that they utilize a mouthguard to shield their teeth. Over-the-counter mouthguard products are frequently suboptimal in their efficacy and durability. Fortunately, our sports mouthguards are custom-fabricated to provide the utmost protection for your child's dental wellness. Moreover, they serve to minimize the extent of concussion that your son or daughter may incur during impact. The mouthguards are also ideal for everyday activities such as recess and playtime with friends, and not exclusively for contact sports, as dental injuries can arise during recreational play as well.

Dental Sealants

The predominant focus of pediatric dentistry revolves around preventative measures, and in light of this, we provide dental sealants. This procedure works to safeguard your child’s teeth from the onset of cavities, by applying a thin layer of resin on the occlusal surface of their molars. The molars, which are the posterior teeth utilized for mastication, are susceptible to the accumulation of plaque and food debris in their crevices. By administering this treatment, we are able to eliminate these potential harbors of decay, ensuring your child’s teeth remain healthy and strong.

To learn more about what we can do for your child’s smile or to schedule an appointment, please contact us today!

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