Root Canal

Relieving Your Dental Pain While

Saving Your Tooth

Root Canal Therapy / Endodontics

Root canal therapy is an  essential dental service, as it offers a last resort to save a tooth that cannot be salvaged through other means. Our esteemed practice, Eastvale Dentistry, is  dedicated to provide our valued patients with top-notch care, and therefore, we are proud to offer exceptional root canal therapy in Markham. This treatment is designed to alleviate your discomfort. Our accomplished dentists and endodontist and team possess the skills and expertise to administer root canal therapy with utmost comfort and effectiveness. To explore more about this crucial dental service and its potential benefits, continue reading.

Why Do You Need a Root Canal?

List of Services

    The human dentition is composed of multiple layers, with the outermost layer known to most as the enamel. Beneath this protective shield lies a layer of dentin, beneath which is the innermost chamber, housing the dental pulp. This delicate tissue contains a network of blood vessels and nerves, all essential to the vitality of the tooth. Unfortunately, the pulp can be exposed to harmful bacteria, either through trauma or decay, leading to a painful infection. To resolve this issue, our expert dental practitioners utilize root canal therapy, a routine procedure in which the infected pulp is carefully removed, to relieve discomfort and restoring the overall health of the tooth.

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    How Root Canal Therapy Works

    Upon confirming the necessity of a root canal, we will provide you with a thorough anesthetic to ensure your comfort throughout the procedure. A small access hole will be created in the affected tooth to remove any damaged or decayed tissue. Once the interior of the tooth and root canals are cleared of debris and cleaned properly, an organic biocompatible material called gutta percha will be used to fill and protect the tooth from future infection. Finally, the tooth will be filled or crowned to ensure its longevity and maintain your smile and function’s integrity.

    Following the procedure, it is common to experience mild soreness for a few days. However, should your discomfort escalate beyond that initial period, we urge you to contact our emergency dentist immediately. Our team is dedicated to provide you with the highest level of care and comfort throughout your dental experience.

    Why You Shouldn’t Fear Root Canals

    With the advent of modern dental techniques, such as local anesthetics and sedation dentistry, the once-feared root canal procedure has become virtually painless, akin to receiving a small dental filling. It is noteworthy to highlight that any discomfort associated with root canal therapy typically arises from the initial infection and not the procedure itself. Additionally, root canal therapy provides a safe and effective means of eliminating decayed and damaged tissue while preserving the integrity of the affected tooth. Post-treatment soreness is minimal and can be effectively managed using readily available over-the-counter pain medication.

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      Book an appointment or give us a call to learn more about the steps for root canal therapy and other related treatments!

    Commonly asked questions about Root Canals

    • Does Root Canal Therapy Hurt?

      Many patients commonly ask whether root canal procedures are painful. However, the truth is that these procedures are usually quite comfortable. In fact, most patients experience immediate pain relief following their root canal procedure, as the source of their toothache and infection has been removed.

    • What Happens During a Root Canal?

      If we diagnose that a root canal procedure is necessary, we will ensure that the procedure is as comfortable as possible for you. We will begin by numbing the area surrounding the affected tooth. Next, we will create a small opening at the top of the tooth to access the pulp. We will remove all the pulp and nerve, as well as any other damaged tooth structure. If there is a severe infection, we may prescribe oral or topical antibiotics to clear the infection before proceeding with the procedure .  Once the infection is cleared, we will refill the tooth with an organic, biocompatible material and seal the access hole. Finally, to protect and strengthen the treated tooth, we may recommend placing a dental crown.

    • How Long Does Root Canal Therapy Take?

      The duration of the root canal procedure can vary depending on the specific case, typically lasting between one to two hours and in some occassions spans across two separate appointments. If antibiotic treatment is necessary prior to completing the procedure, this may extend the overall process by several days to a week. Additionally, even if antibiotics are not required, a second appointment may be necessary to ensure the highest quality of care for the patient, including completing the root canal and restoring the tooth.

    • How Do I Know I Need a Root Canal?

      The only way to know for certain whether you require a root canal is by visiting a dentist or a dental specialist, such as an endodontist. However, most patients require emergency root canal therapy, so if you experience any of the following symptoms, please inform us promptly:

      • Toothache, which can be a dull ache or sharp pain when you bite down
      • Sensitivity to temperature, with lingering pain when exposed to hot or cold
      • Discoloration of the tooth, which may darken, especially near the gum line
      • Inflammation or infection of the gums, which can cause swelling, sores, or the development of a fistula or pimple near the affected tooth.
    • Why Do I Need a Root Canal?

      Root canals become necessary when dental decay or damage reaches the inner layers of a tooth, which contains the nerve system of the tooth (known as the tooth pulp). Once the nerve is accessed, patients often experience severe toothache, dental sensitivity, and other discomforts. A root canal treatment helps remove the infection and relieve pain by removing the damaged pulp and replacing it with a biocompatible material.

    • Do Root Canals Fail?

      While root canal procedures have a high success rate, there is a small chance for failure, particularly with large molars. Research has shown that front teeth have a success rate of 97%, while molars have a slightly lower success rate of 85%. In most cases, root canals fail because some infected tissue is left behind during the initial treatment. To minimize the risk of failure, we use the latest technology and techniques. However, in the rare case of failure, our on-site endodontist can provide retreatment to save the tooth. Our team ensures that all root canal procedures are performed by a specialist, reducing the chances of complications.

    • What Should I Expect After My Root Canal?

      Following a root canal, you may experience some sensitivity and inflammation around the treated tooth, but many patients report immediate relief from the severe toothache and sensitivity they experienced prior to the treatment. However, if you experience severe swelling and inflammation around the tooth or your pain increases after the procedure, please contact our dental office immediately. It is essential to monitor your symptoms and follow any post-treatment instructions provided by our team to ensure proper healing and recovery.

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