Sinus Lift

Sinus Lift Surgery

The maxillary sinuses are situated above the posterior teeth in your upper jaw, and when molars are absent, natural bone resorption can cause the sinus cavity to expand. To address this issue, sinus lift surgery, also known as sinus augmentation, can be performed to add bone to the region of your premolars and molars in the upper jaw. The bone is positioned between the maxillary sinuses, which are located on either side of your nasal cavity, and your jaw. In order to make space for the bone, the sinus membrane is surgically elevated. Our clinic, Eastvale Dentistry, offers sinus lift surgery as a treatment option for our patients.

Why do you need a sinus lift?

A sinus lift is needed when there is not enough bone height in the upper jaw, or the sinuses are too close to the jaw, for dental implants to be placed and there are several reasons for this:

Do you think you may need a sinus lift?

Our Sinus Lift Procedure

After reviewing your x-rays and CT scan, our dentists will decide whether a direct sinus lift or indirect sinus lift best fits your upper jaws bone height. A typical sinus procedure includes:

  1. Create an incision and raise the tissue around your back teeth.
  2. Push the sinus membrane away from the jaw bone.
  3. Fill the space above the upper jaw with bone graft material.
  4. Stitch the tissue back together.

Following a sinus lift surgery, it’s normal to experience swelling and bleeding — but most patients report minimum pain and discomfort. Our dentists at Eastvale Dentistry usually recommends these aftercare instructions:

  • Avoid blowing your nose and forceful sneezing
  • Take antibiotics to prevent infection
  • Rinse with an antimicrobial mouthwash

Approximately one week following your procedure the dentist will remove your stitches, continue to monitor your healing over the course of several months and decide when the dental implant procedure can be performed. In some cases our dentists is able to surgically place the implant during the sinus lift procedure.

Do you need a sinus lift or have further questions?

  Book an appointment or give us a call to learn more about the next steps for booking a sinus lift.

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